Traffic monitoring system

What is a traffic monitoring system?

A traffic monitoring system automatically and continuously monitors vehicles in moving traffic. Sensors that are installed in or near the road are used to record, aggregate, evaluate and visualize a wide variety of parameters from vehicles, infrastructure and the environment.

    La surveillance de l'état des structures est la clé de la détection précoce des ouvrages d'art critiques. Ces fonctions vitales sont prises en charge par les capteurs à jauges de contrainte, les accéléromètres et bien d'autres technologies de mesure de pointe de Kistler.

    Depending on the area of application, data visualization can take place at various aggregation levels (from real-time visualizations of all the collected information all the way to specific messages and warnings in the event of safety-relevant deviations and/or violations).

    What are traffic monitoring systems used for?

    Traffic monitoring systems are used to assist the police and transportation authorities with preventive and regulatory activities to increase road safety. 

    • Emergency response as part of police duties
    • Pursuing misdemeanors and criminal offenses (e.g. overweight vehicles or speeding)
    • Monitoring of the traffic flow, for example to prevent traffic jams or detect them early on

    Where are traffic monitoring systems used?

    • At key intersections
    • Before or in infrastructure objects (bridges, tunnels, etc.)
    • At truck and commercial vehicle inspection centers
    • At rest stops, highway on-ramps, underpasses, etc.

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