Dinamometro Multicomponente MicroDyn, 500 N, Giunti di accoppiamento 30x30 mm / 9109AA

Dinamometro Multicomponente MicroDyn, 500 N, Giunti di accoppiamento 30x30 mm
  • Dinamometro multicomponente piezoelettrico con forze massime Fx, Fy, Fz ±500 N
  • Giunti di accoppiamento 30x30 mm
  • Frequenza naturale fn (x), fn (y), fn (z) >15 kHz
  • Connettore flangiato Fischer a 9 pin
Su richiesta
Su richiesta
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Measuring ranges
Minimum measuring range [kN]
-0.5 kN
Maximum measuring range [kN]
0.5 kN
Calibrated range Fx [kN]
0 … 0.5 kN
Calibrated range Fy [kN]
0 … 0.5 kN
Calibrated range Fz [kN]
0 … 0.5 kN
Product type
Force sensor type
A dynamometer is a force plate measuring forces and moments.
Multicomponent dynamometer
Preloaded sensor
Preloaded sensors are already calibrated and therefore ready-to-use. Non-preloaded sensors are smaller.
Mechanical properties
Overload Fx [kN]
-1, 1 kN
Overload Fy [kN]
-1, 1 kN
Overload Fz [kN]
-1, 1 kN
Overload Mx [N·m]
-30, 30 N·m
Overload My [N·m]
-30, 30 N·m
Overload Mz [N·m]
-60, 60 N·m
Maximum crosstalk Fx→Fy
-4 … 4 %
Maximum crosstalk Fx→Fz
-2 … 2 %
Maximum crosstalk Fy→Fx
-4 … 4 %
Maximum crosstalk Fy→Fz
-2 … 2 %
Maximum crosstalk Fz→Fx
-2 … 2 %
Maximum crosstalk Fz→Fy
-2 … 2 %
Metrological characteristics
Linearity (force)
Linearity represents the maximum deviation/error between ideal and actual output signal characteristics in relation to the measurand in a specific measuring range. It is expressed in percentage of the range of measurement signal (Full Scale Output).
≤±0.5 %/FSO
Hysteresis (force)
The maximum difference in output, at any measurand value within the specified range, when the value is approached first increasing and then decreasing measurand.
≤±0.5 %/FSO
Nominal sensitivity [pC/N]
-20 pC/N
Nominal sensitivity Fx [pC/N]
-12.5 pC/N
Nominal sensitivity Fy [pC/N]
-12.5 pC/N
Threshold (force)
Minimum change in the measurand that produces a measurable change in the sensor output, while the change of the measurand takes place slowly and monotonically.
0.002 N
Electrical properties
Output signal type
Charge (Piezoelectric, PE)
≈240 pF
Minimal insulation resistance
10^13 Ω
Ground Insulation
>10^8 Ω
Influence quantities
Fx: -12.5 pC/N, Fy: -12.5 pC/N, Fz: -20 pC/N
Dynamical properties
Natural frequency Fx
Frequency of free (not forced) oscillations of the entire sensor. In practice the (usually lower) natural frequency of the entire mounted system governs the frequency behavior.
15 kHz
Natural frequency Fy
Frequency of free (not forced) oscillations of the entire sensor. In practice the (usually lower) natural frequency of the entire mounted system governs the frequency behavior.
15 kHz
Natural frequency Fz
Frequency of free (not forced) oscillations of the entire sensor. In practice the (usually lower) natural frequency of the entire mounted system governs the frequency behavior.
15 kHz
Certificates and Standards
Degree of protection EN 60529
Operation and installation
Operating temperature range
-20 … 70 °C
Cutting processes and machining development
Cable properties
Cable included
No cable included
Connector type
Fischer 104 9-pole negative
Dimensions and materials
1.04 kg
Si tratta di un dinamometro multicomponente per la misurazione delle tre componenti ortogonali di una forza e della coppia Mz. La soglia molto bassa e l'alta sensibilità consentono di misurare anche le forze più piccole. Con una frequenza naturale superiore a 15 kHz in tutti e tre gli Assi, è possibile registrare forze altamente dinamiche con una precisione estremamente elevata.
Caricamento in corso
Caricamento in corso