Working with accelerometers, language: DE, on-site / Working with accelerometers (VD)

Kistler offers decades of experience and dedicated solutions for rocket testing and space testing.
Working with accelerometers (VD)
Training details
Duration [days]
Trainings by application

This seminar provides an overview of the features of accelerometers and how they work. Special emphasis will be placed on miniature sensors. In a practical training session, participants will learn at various workstations manned by specialists how to identify and avoid potential sources of error and the causes of failure in vibration and impact/impulse measurements. A number of measuring devices and sensors will be available. Participants will also gain valuable insight into installation/removal procedures and will practice verifying that the equipment is in good working order.

Practical part with exercises

  • Attachment and detachment techniques
  • Methodical testing of the frequency response for selected attachment methods
  • Use of suitable fixing adhesives as well as detachment and cleaning of sensors
  • Noise and humming, avoidance of ground loops
  • Resolution limits when taking measurements
  • Lateral acceleration effects
  • Base strain and thermal effects
  • Mass loading effects on structures
  • Testing and calibration of sensors
  • Working with cables and replacement on miniature sensors

Seminar content

  • Introduction to principles and features of accelerometers
  • Guidelines for working properly with accelerometers
  • Detection of sources of error and causes of failure during measurements

At the end of the seminar, participants will be able to work properly with accelerometers and avoid measurement errors.
