Weigh In Motion systems from Kistler reliably detect overloaded trucks.

Soluciones de pesaje en movimiento

Supervisión del tráfico, control del peso y protección de puentes simplificados

El envejecimiento de las infraestructuras, el aumento del tráfico y la sobrecarga de los vehículos suponen una amenaza para nuestra sociedad y exigen contramedidas para mantener la seguridad de las carreteras y los puentes. Los avanzados sistemas de pesaje en movimiento (WIM) de Kistler mejoran la seguridad del tráfico, ayudan a mantener la calidad de las carreteras y protegen la infraestructura de los puentes.

Integradores de sistemas de todo el mundo eligen las soluciones Weigh In Motion de Kistler como parte de sistemas de gestión de tráfico de alto nivel. Gracias a su fiabilidad y robustez, alto grado de precisión y fácil integración, nuestras soluciones se utilizan para proteger y mantener carreteras y estructuras de todo tipo.

Kistler: líder mundial en tecnología WIM

Somos líderes del mercado mundial de sistemas de pesaje en movimiento, pioneros en soluciones precisas y fiables en las que se confía en todo el mundo. Con décadas de experiencia, Kistler está subiendo el listón de los datos precisos y en tiempo real del peso de los vehículos en movimiento, al tiempo que impulsa la eficiencia y la innovación en todos los sectores.

Crystal icon

Más de 100 000 sensores Lineas

instalados en todo el mundo

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Más de 30 años de innovación

con tecnología de cuarzo única

Global support

Más de 50 países

donde se utilizan actualmente las soluciones de tráfico de Kistler

Tecnología de cristal de cuarzo de Kistler: en el núcleo de cada sensor

Nuestras soluciones Weigh In Motion utilizan sensores de cristal de cuarzo de alta precisión de Lineas, conocidos por su alto rendimiento constante en todas las condiciones de tráfico y meteorológicas.

Los sensores Lineas miden las cargas de las ruedas y los ejes y también determinan los pesos brutos de los vehículos sin interrumpir el flujo del tráfico.

Explore las ventajas de la tecnología de cuarzo

Instalados en la carretera, los sensores Lineas proporcionan señales de medición de alta precisión.

Fabricado con los más altos estándares de calidad

The Lineas Digital Weigh in Motion sensors are manufactured according to highest quality standards.

Como proveedor líder de tecnología de medición piezoeléctrica de cuarzo, logramos el máximo rendimiento mediante el uso de equipos de producción avanzados operados por especialistas cualificados en nuestra planta suiza con certificación ISO. Los procesos de fabricación avanzados nos permiten mantener un control total de cada paso, garantizando la máxima calidad en cada etapa del proceso.

Explore nuestras instalaciones de producción
All sensors used for our Weigh In Motion systems are accurately assembled, tested and calibrated inhouse.

Cada sensor se somete a rigurosas inspecciones, que incluyen comprobaciones de estanqueidad y pruebas funcionales. Nuestro sistema de calibración garantiza una sensibilidad uniforme en toda la longitud del sensor. Además, cada sensor se prueba al 100 %, se calibra en fábrica y se comprueba con herramientas de alta precisión antes de salir de nuestra sede central en Suiza, lo que garantiza productos fiables y de alta calidad.

Explore las ventajas de nuestros sensores

Sistemas de pesaje en movimiento a medida de la serie KiTraffic

Elija entre una variedad de paquetes KiTraffic, cada uno diseñado para satisfacer los requisitos específicos de diferentes aplicaciones WIM que van desde la recopilación de datos de tráfico hasta la aplicación directa. Los sistemas KiTraffic Weigh In Motion incorporan tecnología de cuarzo piezoeléctrico en forma de sensores y componentes electrónicos Lineas. KiTraffic Statistics y KiTraffic Basic están compuestos por sensores analógicos Lineas y registradores de datos WIM. KiTraffic Digital, la solución certificada para el control, consta de sensores Lineas Digital y componentes electrónicos de grado industrial con software Kistler.

Process reliability

Fiabilidad excepcional

Las soluciones KiTraffic combinan nuestros exclusivos sensores WIM de cuarzo Lineas con componentes electrónicos y software patentados para una detección de vehículos más precisa y fiable.

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Seamless integration

Open data protocols for seamless transfer of vehicle data ensure effortless integration into higher-level systems.

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Unmatched accuracy

Advanced software specifically developed for Lineas WIM sensors ensures the highest accuracy, from low to high speeds, meeting strict OIML accuracy standards.

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User-friendly setup

A modern web-based interface allows for easy setup and calibration of all Weigh In Motions systems and sites.

The Weigh In Motion system KiTraffic Statistics comprises Lineas Compact sensors and a WIM Data Logger.
KiTraffic Statistics

The cost-efficient solution for traffic data collection

  • Accuracy
    • ±10-15% of gross vehicle weight (GVW)
  • Scope of delivery
    • Lineas Compact 9196A sensors 
    • WIM Data Logger 
Explore KiTraffic Statistics
The Weigh In Motion system KiTraffic Basic comprises Lineas 9195G sensors and a WIM Data Logger.
KiTraffic Basic

The reliable solution for pre-selection of overloaded vehicles

  • Accuracy
    • Accuracy: ±5-10% GVW (gross vehicle weight)
    • Certified to OIML R 134 class F10
  • Scope of delivery
    • Lineas 9195G sensors
    • WIM Data Logger
Explore KiTraffic Basic
The Weigh In Motion system KiTraffic Digital comprises Lineas Digital sensors, system electronics and Kistler software.
KiTraffic Digital

The most advanced solution for direct weight and tire enforcement

  • Accuracy
    • Accuracy: ±2-5% GVW (gross vehicle weight)
    • Certified to OIML R 134 class F5
  • Scope of delivery
    • Lineas Digital 9181A sensors
    • Industrial grade electronics with Kistler software
Explore KiTraffic Digital
Our Weigh In Motion systems are fully compliant with global standards such as OIML R134, COST 323, and ASTM E1318-0.
Accuracy you can trust

Our Weigh In Motion systems combine unique Lineas sensors, industrial-grade electronics, and advanced software – all developed, tested, and manufactured according to highest quality standards. Fully compliant with globally recognized standards, including OIML R134, COST 323, and ASTM E1318-09, our Weigh In Motion solutions provide independent proof of performance, delivering reliable, accurate vehicle weighing.

Our Weigh In Motion systems can be seamlessly integrated into higher-level traffic management solutions.
Flexible integration and networking

Our Weigh In Motion systems can be easily extended with additional third-party components like vehicle dimension scanners or ANPR cameras for license plate recognition. With machine-readable interfaces and open data protocols, our WIM measuring chains can be integrated seamlessly into higher-level traffic management solutions.


Weigh In Motion solutions from Kistler are designed to cover a wide range of applications, including:

Our Weigh In Motion systems enable efficient vehicle pre-selection for weight enforcement of overloaded vehicles.
Pre-selection for weight enforcement

Weigh In Motion systems allow for efficient vehicle preselection for traffic checks by quickly providing essential weight data. These solutions automatically record vehicle weights, axle loads and tire conditions at high speeds, resulting in higher success rates for identifying potential violators and lower workloads for authorities.

  • Automatic preselection of overloaded vehicles
  • Less road damage and elimination of illegal competition between transport companies
Explore KiTraffic Basic
Our KiTraffic Digital Weigh In Motion system paves the way for direct weight enforcement of overloaded vehicles.
Direct weight enforcement

As soon as legal requirements are met, direct weight enforcement with a high-speed Weigh In Motion solution provides the most efficient method for automated heavy vehicle checks. Thanks to Kistler’s exacting accuracy standards, violators can be detected across multiple traffic lanes and penalized immediately.

  • Automatic, 24/7 enforcement of load violations without disrupting traffic flow
  • Significant improvement in weight enforcement campaigns with direct fines for overloaded vehicles, eliminating the need for static scales
  • OIML R134 certification facilitates national type approvals
Explore KiTraffic Digital
The KiTraffic Digital Weigh In Motion system features Automated Tire Screening to detect tire anomalies.
Automated tire screening

Incorrectly inflated tires are not easy to detect with visual inspections. Automated Tire Screening (ATS) is a feature of Weigh In Motion systems that allows authorities to automatically monitor tire pressure on all passing commercial vehicles, helping to identify potentially unsafe, damaged or flat tires and improve road safety.

  • Automatic tire checks of all passing vehicles without disrupting traffic
  • Detection of tire types and anomalies such as underinflation, flats, mismatches or missing tires
  • Available as a simple upgrade for existing Kistler WIM sites
Explore KiTraffic Digital
The Weigh In Motion system KiTraffic Statistics delivers automated real-time traffic data collection.
Traffic data collection

Weigh In Motion solutions help refine infrastructure planning, optimize road maintenance and improve traffic flow uniformity by providing real-time traffic data collection.

  • Automated, non-stop traffic data collection
  • Reliable and accurate measurement of vehicle loads
  • Enrichment of vehicle count and classification data with weight information
  • Tracking of special transports
Explore KiTraffic Statistics
Bridge protection can be provided by traffic monitoring systems installed directly before or on bridges.
Bridge protection

Weigh In Motion systems from Kistler protect bridges around the world by collecting traffic load data as well as preventing overloaded vehicles from driving over the bridge itself.

  • WIM data enables traffic load analysis and life expectancy calculations
  • Protection against overloaded vehicles - extending bridge lifetimes
  • Seamless combination with Structural Health Monitoring systems
Explore Structural Health Monitoring
Weigh In Motion solutions enable efficient industrial weighing at ports, mines, and concrete plants for example.
Industrial weighing

Weigh In Motion solutions provide a highly efficient way to manage industrial weighing, helping to streamline processes such as invoicing goods, checking axle loads, and measuring overall vehicle weights at ports, mines, and concrete plants – all as vehicles drive by.

  • OIML R134-certified for legally compliant weighing
  • Easy integration with components like RFID transmitters or LPR cameras for enhanced functionality
  • Fast installation with minimal disruption to operations
Weigh In Motion systems can be used to charge road users depending on vehicle weight.
Weight based tolling

Weigh In Motion systems generate revenue for road construction by charging drivers based on their vehicle’s weight and road impact, ensuring fair tolls, covering maintenance costs and preventing overloaded vehicles from accessing roads and bridges.

  • Easy integration with existing toll systems
  • Scalable for multiple lanes

Effortless installation and worldwide support for maximum performance

Our services for Weigh In Motion solutions include site selection, installation and calibration, training and more.
Global support and comprehensive services

Thanks to our global sales and service network, we offer a range of tailored services to maximize the performance of every WIM site. They include expert support during site selection, installation, and calibration, as well as comprehensive training programs and warranty extensions to enhance the individual WIM user experience and extend the lifespan of each WIM system.

Explore Weigh In Motion services
Lineas sensors for Weigh In Motion systems can be efficiently installed in all types of pavements.
Efficient and minimally invasive installation

Lineas sensors are designed for quick installation, typically completed within a single day, and deliver reliable measurements for years. Lineas sensors can be installed on all types of pavements, including concrete and asphalt, with minimal disruption to traffic flow and limited need for road closures. Installation is cost-effective, requiring no heavy machinery and causing minimal road damage – only a small slot in the pavement. The modular and flexible design allows for easy adaptation to different lane widths, and the absence of screws and frames reduces the risk of flying parts, ensuring a safe and efficient setup.

Weight enforcement references

La autopista Brooklyn-Queens en Nueva York está protegida por Weigh In Motion de Kistler para el control directo del peso.
Autopista Brooklyn Queens (EE.UU.)

En la ciudad de Nueva York, la autopista Brooklyn-Queens Expressway (BQE), con un diseño de triple voladizo, se enfrenta a enormes desafíos debido a la sobrecarga de vehículos. Los sistemas Weigh In Motion de Kistler se desplegaron para ayudar a identificar automáticamente los vehículos sobrecargados. Recientemente, los sistemas WIM de Kistler fueron certificados y puestos en funcionamiento como el primer sistema de citación automatizado del país y, como resultado, la sobrecarga está disminuyendo. Los datos recogidos también se utilizan para calcular la vida útil del puente y realizar análisis precisos de la carga de tráfico. "La colaboración con Kistler y C2SMART ha sido clave para hacer realidad este sistema automatizado de aplicación directa de la normativa, el primero del país", declaró Tanvi Pandya, P.E. DBIA, director ejecutivo de BQE Design Build & Emergency Contracts.

Data collection and research references

Erftstadt, A1 Highway (Germany)

The Institute of Highway Engineering at Germany’s RWTH Aachen University chose our KiTraffic Digital Weigh In Motion system for their pioneering “Digital Twin Road” research project. In 2023, 10 Lineas Digital sensors were integrated seamlessly into Germany’s busy A1 highway – with no need for special road preparation or repaving. A special sensor layout was designed exclusively for this project, highlighting our commitment to offering flexible layout options and meeting customers’ needs.

Bridge protection references

Pesaje en Movimiento para puentes: El Carrizo (227 m), equipado con Kistler WIM, es el segundo puente más alto de Norteamérica.
Puente de El Carrizo (México)

El puente de la autopista El Carrizo en México, el segundo puente más alto de Norteamérica, se enfrentó a un importante accidente de tráfico en 2018, lo que provocó su cierre. Para mejorar su seguridad se instalaron dos puntos de control Weigh In Motion (WIM) con tecnología Kistler. El sistema WIM, compuesto por precisos sensores Lineas WIM, mide automáticamente las cargas por eje y los pesos totales de los vehículos que pasan. La solución WIM proporcionada por Kistler garantiza el cumplimiento óptimo de las restricciones de peso y mejora la seguridad general del puente.

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