Instrumented Pole Vault planting boxes / Z20903

This 3D force plate is designed as an instrumented Pole Vault planting box for the measurement of the forces exerted by the pole.
Características/vantagens principais
- Replaces regular Pole Vault box
- Integrated charge amplifier
- Large measuring range
- High natural frequency
This piezoelectric multi-component force plate for Pole Vault application comes with integrated electronics for the measurement of the 3 orthogonal force components and the corresponding moments. It its designed as a stiffened regular Pole Vault box with a high natural frequency and equipped with 4 preloaded triaxial force sensors on a solid frame. Integrated electronics with eight 1-channel charge amplifiers with range switching, charge cables and the connector plug. With the Data Acquisition System Type 5691A1 or Kistler BioWare Type 2812 or control unit Type 5233A2 the force plate can be easily controlled and supplied.
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