KiDAQ 测量模块

通过 KiDAQ 数据采集系统,奇石乐Kistler可为各种测量值和传感器提供广泛的模块选择 - 从应变计电桥和 IEPE 传感器上的简单电压信号到压电传感器的电荷信号。

从 20 多种 KiDAQ 测量模块中选择所需的类型来测量所需信号。无论是模拟(电压、电流、电阻、电位计、电阻温度计 RTD(Pt100、Pt1000)、热电偶、应变计、电感电桥、LVDT 位移、压电(电荷)、IEPE(压电)、MEMS 电容式(K-Beam)或压阻式压力变送器)还是数字(频率、脉宽、计数器、时间、状态)。


All modules are available in the KiDAQ housing options Rack, Portable and DIN Rail which allows the use in different applications and environments. For the integration in field busses and real-time control systems there is also an EtherCAT version available.
