Mounting frames for force plates of Type 9260AA / 9428A

The mounting frame of Type 9428A allows for an easy and modular installation of the Type 9260AA portable force plates into the floor.
- Versatile mounting
- Easy installation
- Modular
- Lightweight construction
- Level adjustable
The mounting frames of Type 9428A enable modular installation of the portable force plates of Type 9260AA and dummies of Types 9418A3, 9418A5 and 9418A6 into the floor. The frames come in different sizes to accommodate this. The mounting frames are manufactured from aluminum and easily assembled. The frames are permanently bonded to the foundation with a suitable grout. Different mounting frames can be freely combined to enable installation of force plates extending over several frames. Alternatively, the dummies of Types 9418A3 and 9418A6 can be mounted on the frames instead of the force plates of the same size. To prevent any force shunts developing, a 3 mm gap remains between the force plates and dummies after mounting.