Amplificatore di carica industriale multicanale (ICAM-B), da 1 a 4 canali, (±10 V / 4 ... 20 mA) / 5073B Config

Data acquisition more precise thanks to the new 5073B charge amplifier with measuring range starting at 20 picocoulomb.
5073B Config
  • Ampio campo di misura regolabile: ±20 ... ±1000000 pC
  • 1, 2, 3 o 4 canali
  • Segnale di uscita: ±10 V o 4 ... 20 mA con larghezza di banda fino a 20 kHz
  • Caratteristiche: valori di picco e integrali, valori RMS, filtro passa-basso e filtro passa-alto commutabile
Su richiesta
Su richiesta
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Electrical properties
Output signal type
Digital, Analog, Voltage, Current, RS-232, Ethernet
Input type
Charge dynamic, Charge quasi-static
Dynamical properties
Maximum signal frequency
20 kHz
Time constant
Short, Long
Certificates and Standards
Degree of protection EN 60529
IP50, IP65, IP67
Operation and installation
Device usage
Process monitoring, Testing
In- and end-of-line testing for production processes, Spot welding process monitoring, Rocket and jet engine testing, eVTOL / UAV / drone testing
Number of channels
Analog output type
Voltage (V), Current
Digital output type
Ethernet, RS-232
Dimensions and materials
Casing material
Caricamento in corso
Caricamento in corso
Caricamento in corso