Privacy Notice



Kistler Holding AGと、欧州、アジア、米国、オーストラリアにある子会社で構成されるキスラーグループ(以下、「キスラー」または「当社」)は、お客様のデータの保護を非常に重視しています。お客様の情報は、個々のデータ保護規則に基づいて収集・処理されます。お客様が当社のウェブサイトにアクセスされた際に収集する個人情報の取扱いは、各国のデータ保護規則に基づいて行われます。例えばスイスの場合は、スイス連邦データ保護法(DSG)の条項とEUの個人情報保護規則(GDPR)の条項を遵守するものとします。



1) 個人情報の収集について




2) 個人情報の利用と第三者への提供について




3) キスラーの製品に関するアンケート調査



4) クッキー(Cookie)













5) デジタルイベント/ウェビナーの登録確認







データは、登録が有効である限り、マーケティングオートメーションツール Eloquaに保存されます。お客様の個人情報は、デジタルイベント/ウェビナーのご案内を定期的に送信するためにのみ使用され、権限のない第三者に提供されることはありません。


6) デジタルイベント/ウェビナーに関するお知らせの送信に対する同意の撤回に伴う個人情報の削除




7) myKistler カスタマーポータルにおけるプライバシー ポリシー 

当社ウェブサイト (myKistler カスタマーポータル )への登録








  • 敬称
  • 姓と名
  • 会社名
  • 業界, 部門
  • 役職
  • (会社)住所(通り、番地、郵便番号、都市名、国名)
  • Eメールアドレス
  • 電話番号
  • 顧客タイプ(再販業者/エンドユーザー)
  • IPアドレスを経由して自動的に国が記録されますが、手動で調整することもできます。

お客様のデータは、お客様のご要望を処理する目的で、CADENAS GmbH, Schernecker Str. 5, 86167 Augsburgに転送されることにご留意ください。

CADENAS GmbHへの転送を含むデータ収集の法的根拠はGDPR 第6条第1項(b)によるものです。

ウェブショップ(e コマース )のご利用


当社は、お客様のご注文を処理するために、お客様から提供されたデータを使用します。この目的のため、当社はお客様の支払データを当社の取引銀行に転送することがあります。この法的根拠はGDPR 第6条第1項(b)によるものです。






8) ソーシャルプラグイン






  • Linkedin Inc. (, LinkedIn Headquarters 2029 Stierlin Ct. Ste. 200 Mountain View, CA 94043, USA)
  • YouTube Inc. (, YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA)
  • Xing AG (, Dammtorstraße 30, 20354 Hamburg, Germany)
  • Facebook Inc. (, 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA)
  • Twitter Inc. (, Headquarters, 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA)

9) 求人ポータル



10) 安全性と機密性


11) 情報、訂正、削除、お問い合わせ



12) 変更


We appreciate your visit to our website. As you may be interested in buying our products and may need to provide your personal data for possible orders, we would like to first inform you about our activities in the field of data protection.

Your data are a sensitive and serious issue for us. By visiting our website, you should not be given the impression that your data is used in a different manner than that which we expressly communicate.

The Kistler Group (hereinafter referred to as KISTLER), which comprises Kistler Holding AG and its subsidiaries in Europe, Asia, America and Australia, attaches great importance to the protection of your data. Your data are collected and processed in compliance with the respective data protection principles. The processing of personal data that are collected when you visit our website is done in accordance with the data protection provisions of the respective country/region. For example, for Switzerland, we adhere to the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act and to the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation. 

We would like to point out that our website may contain third party links to which our Privacy Notice does not apply.

Below we explain to you the individual concepts (terms) and we explain how they are used.

1) How are your personal data collected?

According to the relevant regulation, personal data are any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. For example, your name, phone number, address and email address are part of personal data.

When you visit our website, our web servers store data on the browser and operating system you use, the website from which you visit us, the websites that you visit simultaneously, the date of the visit and, for security reasons (e.g. to detect attacks on our websites) for a certain period of time, the IP address allocated by your internet service provider.

When you subscribe our newsletter regarding KISTLER products, events and services on our website, we may collect your personal data for subscription registration purpose, such as your name, your company name, email address and other information. You will receive your registration confirmation by email with a link as soon as you have completed your registration. The link is used to verify your email address. This process is called “double opt-in” (DOI) and protects both you and us against misuse of your email address and helps to prove that the consent actually comes from the owner of the email address used.  If you do not want to receive any newsletter anymore, you have the option to unsubscribe from them by yourself at any time.

When you request a quote for KISTLER products on our website, we may collect your name, company name, address, phone number, email address and other information for contact purpose.

When you register in our customer portal to access and use additional functions on the site (e.g. to download CAD data), we may collect your personal data such as your title, first and last name, company, industry, department, position, business address, e-mail address, telephone number, customer status (reseller / end customer) for the purpose of providing the respective offer or service that you have requested. 

Unless required by law, we will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes described in our Privacy Notice. After your personal data has exceeded the retention period, we will delete your personal data or anonymize it as required by the applicable laws.

2) How is your personal data used or disclosed to third parties?

Your data is relevant to KISTLER regarding e.g. product surveys, newsletters, customer management and marketing. Such data collected by KISTLER will not be disclosed to third parties for their own use, unless we are legally obliged to do so or you have given us your explicit consent to do so. The corresponding consent can be revoked by you at any time according to section 11) of the Privacy Notice.

3) International Transfer

You acknowledge that your data may be transferred and proceeded outside of the PRC. We will follow the applicable laws and decisions imposed by the competent authority and ensure that your data is protected to a standard that are at least as stringent as those mandated by the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China. If you or the company you work for is a Business Partner, please be aware that KISTLER is a multi-national company, and for the purpose of concluding or fulfilling the contract/agreement with you or the company you work for, you understand and agree that we may transfer your personal data to foreign affiliated companies, for example, Kistler Instrumente AG, located at Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, Switzerland.

Under above-mentioned circumstances, we adhere to local law. For the purposes of the processing set forth in the Privacy Notice, KISTLER may also transfer the personal data to third-party who may store the data or transfer the data to countries/regions outside of the PRC. KISTLER complies with the applicable laws governing the transfer of personal data between different countries/regions to ensure that your data enjoys the same high level of privacy protection regardless of where the data is processed.

4) Surveys and polls concerning KISTLER products

It may happen that you receive a request from KISTLER regarding a survey about products. The reason for the survey is that KISTLER is very concerned about satisfying its customers and fulfilling their wishes fully and in a customer-specific manner. We point out, however, that surveys or polls are always voluntary and have no impact on any discounts or other special conditions.

There is always the possibility to have oneself deregistered from the participation. KISTLER also endeavors to offer anonymous polls so that you can express your opinion in an anonymous form and your opinion can be perceived by KISTLER. 

5) Cookies

Cookies are individual codes (for instance, a serial number) that our server or a server of our service providers or advertising partners transmits to your system when you connect to our website and that your system (browser, mobile phone) accepts and stores until the set expiration time. Your system transmits these codes to our server or the third-party server with each additional access. That way, you are recognized even if your identity is unknown. 

For further information regarding the cookies utilized on our website, please refer to the Privacy Settings.

On our website we use the following types of cookies: 

Essential: This cookie type is required to activate the core functionality of the website and analyze the use of the website in order to measure and improve performance. These are necessary for the basic functioning of the website and are therefore set by default.

Functional: This cookie type enables us to analyze usage behavior in order to measure and improve performance. 

Marketing: This cookie type is used by advertisers to serve ads that are relevant to your interests.

Functional and Marketing cookies are optional and not mandatory for the basic website function. You can opt out via the Privacy Settings.

How to manage cookies in your browser:

Deleting cookies from the device: Cookies that are already on a device can be deleted by clearing the browser history, thereby deleting cookies from all websites visited. However, some of the saved information (e.g., login data or website preferences) may also be lost.

Manage site-specific cookies: To have more precise control over site-specific cookies, users can adjust their privacy and cookie settings in their browser.

Blocking cookies: Although most modern browsers can be configured to prevent cookies from being installed on your devices, this may require manual adjustment of certain preferences each time you visit a site or page. In addition, some services and features may not function properly (e.g., profile logins).

How to delete cookies from the most popular browsers:

6) Digital event/webinar registration confirmation

By submitting registration details, you agree to allow KISTLER to contact you as required for the organization and administration of the digital event. We may collect personal data, such as your name, address, email address and other information.

You will receive a confirmation-email with a link to join the webinar. 

Please ensure that your valid email is entered correctly on the registration form. In case any of your digital event/webinar email(s) are caught by spam filters, please also check your junk email box. 

You will receive essential information for registered attendees electronically at the email address that are provided on your registration form. 

The data will be stored in our marketing automation tool for as long as the registration is active. The information will not be shared with unauthorized third parties. 

If you would like to unsubscribe, an unsubscribe link is provided in every email for your convenience. Furthermore you can always send an email to and inform us of your withdrawal.

All personal data stored in the course of the organization and administration of the digital event/webinar will immediately be deleted or anonymized in the event of withdrawal of the consent to data processing.

7) Web analytics

KISTLER uses functions of the Hotjar web service, operated by Hotjar Ltd. Hotjar Ltd. is a European company based in Malta. Hotjar uses cookies. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transmitted to a server of Hotjar and stored there.

You may opt-out of the use of Hotjar. Instructions are available at:

We use the Eloqua service for optimum communication with our customers. For tracking the visitors on Eloqua landing pages, opt-in via cookie banner is required. A visitor is not tracked unless the visitor opts in for tracking via a permissions request. We might use the Eloqua cookie to analyze your use of our websites so that we can continually improve them. Emails sent by Eloqua use tracking technologies. We use these technologies primarily to find out which topics are of interest to you by seeing whether our emails are opened and which links you click on. We then use this information to improve the emails we send you and the services we provide, and to connect you to existing tracking or profiling information.

If you want to prevent the use of Eloqua cookies on your device in the future, you can do so at the website (Privacy Settings). 

8) Social plugins

KISTLER uses so-called social plugins of social networks, such as LinkedIn and YouTube. These are buttons on the KISTLER website. When you visit the website, these buttons do not send data to the respective social networks automatically. Only when you click on the button a direct connection with the server of the respective social network is established and the network can collect data and set cookies.

If you are simultaneously logged in to a social network, the social network can allocate your visit to this website to your user account.

KISTLER has no influence on the extent of such data collected by social networks. For more information, please refer to the provisions on your rights and the setting options to protect your privacy at the respective social networks.

If you are a member of one of the following social networks and you do not want the respective provider to collect data, relating to you, through our website and to link it, in some cases, to other stored data, then please completely log out of the respective social network before you visit other websites and, where appropriate, also delete the corresponding cookies.

KISTLER uses the following social plugins:

LinkedIn Inc. (, LinkedIn Headquarters 2029 Stierlin Ct. Ste. 200 Mountain View, CA 94043, USA);
YouTube Inc. (, YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA);

9) Job portal

Applicants can apply at KISTLER via an online application form with their application documents. After a rejection, these application documents are kept by KISTLER for a certain period of time to check whether a former candidate is not suitable for a future job. Such documents are always treated confidentially by KISTLER.

To the extent permitted by applicable laws, you have the option to request KISTLER to delete your application documents. KISTLER will endeavor to delete the application documents as quickly as possible. 

For more information on how we process your personal data when you apply for a job at KISTLER can be found here.

10) Security and confidentiality

We use data networks that are protected, inter alia, by industry-standard modern firewalls and password systems to ensure the security and confidentiality of the personal data we collect online. Adequate measures are taken when handling your personal data. Such measures protect your data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction.

Although the above reasonable and effective measures have been taken and the standards required by relevant laws and regulations have been complied with, please understand that due to technical limitations and possible malicious means, even if we do our best to strengthen security measures, it is impossible to always fully ensure the security of information. We will do our best to ensure the security of the personal data you provide to us.

Once you leave the KISTLER website and related services, and browse or use other websites, services and content resources, we will not have the ability and direct obligation to protect any personal data you submit on the software or website outside the KISTLER website and related services, regardless of whether you log in, browse or use the said software or website based on the link or guidance of KISTLER.

11) Personal data subject’s rights

We draw your attention to the fact that, as a visitor to our website, you may have legal rights in relation to your personal data which KISTLER holds, including but not limited to right to access, right to correct, and right to be forgotten, to the extent provided by the applicable laws. You also have the option to revoke your consent at any time.

We are always at your disposal for questions on data protection and your personal data rights. You can reach us at:

12) Minor

Our website and service are intended for adult users, and we will not actively collect or process personal data from minors under the age of 14. However, due to technological limitations, there may be situations where we are unable to determine a user's age when providing online services. If you discover that we have collected personal data from minors below 14 without proper authorization, as their guardians you intend to exercise rights such as the right to be forgotten, you may reach out to us using the contact details provided in section 11).

13) Changes

This Privacy Notice may be changed from time to time due to any changes in applicable legislation. Possible changes will be always published on our website.