




"オーダーメイド "のタイヤが求められています。柔軟な試験能力と試験時間の短縮が、競争力を維持するための鍵です。

あらゆるタイヤ試験に対応 - タイヤ産業向け測定・試験システムで安全性を確保

  • 迅速な認証取得
  • コンパクトな設計による幅広い応用範囲
  • 高い再現性に基づく信頼性により、試験時間の短縮を実現

Measurement of rolling resistance on a tire of a NEV – the RoaDyn S220 measuring hub from Kistler (highlighted in blue) used to measure the rolling resistance of a passenger car tire (C1) on the tire test stand. It captures wheel forces using the high-precision force measurement method as specified by the currently applicable standards: ISO 28580, SAE J1269, and ECE R117.

Benefits of Kistler measuring and test systems for the tire industry and tire developers

A safe and sustainable investment

  • Long lifetimes thanks to robust and sustainable design
  • Low maintenance costs
  • For stationary and mobile tire tests
  • Ideal for upgrading tire test stands
  • Worldwide technical service from our local Service Centers


  • Over 25 years of experience in tire testing for the tire industry
  • High-precision measuring hubs, measuring sensors and wheel force transducers for reliable measurement data
  • Validated measuring and test systems based on many years of operation by all the world's leading tire, automobile and test stand manufacturers
  • Overload protection


  • Measuring hubs specially developed for highly dynamic or long-term measurements
  • Easy handling  
  • Different technologies (piezoelectric, strain gauge and optical measurement technology) to ensure optimal alignment with tire testing requirements

キスラーRoaDyn 測定ハブ、測定センサ、ホイール6分力計はあらゆるタイヤ試験に活用!

キスラーのRoaDyn 測定ハブ、測定センサ、ホイール6分力計は、室内用定常式タイヤスタンドおよび実車による走行試験で、ホイールに作用する力とトルクを計測します。コンパクト設計により、力の流路が最適化されています。これにより、力の分流、ガイドウェイ内の摩擦、大きなレバーアームによる影響などをほぼ排除することができます。また、各測定システムに応じたエレクトロニクスを組合わせることで、お使いのテストスタンドにも簡単に組込めるようになります。


  • 振動の検出(タイヤやホイールの破壊的な振動によって生じる妨害ノイズを除去するための基礎として)
  • タイヤモデルの動的パラメータの検証
  • 極めて動的な測定向けに専用開発
  • 圧電式センサの優れた剛性による高い測定精度と固有振動数
  • コンパクト設計でありながら優れた耐荷重能力を発揮
  • 最大100kNの様々な荷重範囲に対応できる設計
  • 乗用車向けの測定ハブを短期間で提供可能
  • お客様個々の要件を満たせるように調整可能
  • 既存のテストスタンド(音響実験室など)を低コストでアップグレード可能

Figure: RoaDyn P530 measuring hub, Type 9295B1


    [object Object]
    • 専用開発された歪ゲージ式ロードセルは高感度が特徴
    • 力測定方式による測定で、試験時間の短縮と最大30%のコスト削減を実現(2本のタイヤを同時に試験することが可能)
    • 接線力 Fxとタイヤ接地力 Fzを直接測定 (追加の力測定無しでテストスタンドを制御でき、タイヤの転がり抵抗を計算することが可能)
    • リアルな測定により、コストと時間のかかるデータ後処理が不要
    • 測定ハブは、ホイール荷重 20kN(乗用車:C1)または60kN(トラック:C2、C3)向けに専用設計

    Figure: RoaDyn S260 measuring hub, Type 9289A113


      Characterizing the NVH behavior of tires on the tire test stand

      Disturbing tire noise and vibrations (HSU, NVH) are gaining importance as the transformation of mobility proceeds and the percentage of alternative propulsion systems, respectively of electrified vehicles (EVs, NEVs, PHEVs), continues to increase. Thanks to piezo-based measuring hubs specifically developed for highly dynamic measurements, you can quickly identify the critical frequency ranges and non-uniformities of your tire

      You want to
      • Identify and analyze tire non-uniformities in all directions (NVH, HSU, flatspot, cleat)
      • Determine the tires' key data
      • Validate the dynamic parameters of tire models
      • Accurately measure dynamic force variations in all three directions: radial force variation (RFV), lateral force variation (LFV) and tangential force variation (TFV)
      • Evaluate resonances and harmonic oscillations in the tire or the entire wheel
      Measuring and test systems to measure tire rolling resistance – recommended equipment from Kistler
      • RoaDyn P530 measuring hub for passenger car tires
      • LabAmp charge amplifier

      Determining tire rolling resistance on the tire test stand, as well as of electrified vehicles (EVs, NEVs, PHEVs)

      You want to
      • Provide proof that rolling resistance design is optimal: a balance between minimum fuel consumption/minimum CO2 emissions and maintenance of safety-relevant tire characteristics and running performance 
      • Define the rolling resistance that is disclosed to the end customer in the form of the tire label
      • Perform rolling resistance measurements on the tire test stand based on ISO 28580, SAE J1269 and ECE R117
      • Accurately measure the rolling resistance based on the force measurement method. For this purpose, both force directions (Fx and Fz) are measured directly in the measuring hub. Parasitic influences are largely eliminated because the force sensors are positioned directly at the point of load application.
      Measuring and test systems to measure tire rolling resistance – recommended equipment from Kistler
      • RoaDyn S220 measuring hub to measure tire rolling resistance of of passenger car tires (NEV and cars with combustion engines) on the tire test stand (C1)
      • RoaDyn S260 measuring hub to measure tire rolling resistance of utility vehicle  on the tire test stand (C2/C3)
      • Digital electronics: KiRoad Tire Test, Type 9820Axx, serves up to four strain gauge based RoaDyn S2xy measuring hubs. Analog and digital output available.
      • Analog electronics: Type 5633A1 to serve one strain gauge based RoaDyn S2xy measuring hub, analog output 

      Validating tire models

      You want to
      • Validate tire models both statically and dynamically in order to optimize development times for new tires for vehicles with combustion engines and electrified vehicles (EVs, NEVs and PHEVs) and reduce the required numbers of test tires and tests
      • Perform three-dimensional measurements of tire stiffness using a force plate whose measuring range can be matched exactly to the expected force
      • Use a drum test stand with mounted cleat for dynamic excitation of the tire/wheel and simultaneous measurement of the tire's frequency behavior
      Measuring and test systems to validate tire models – recommended equipment from Kistler
      • Multicomponent dynamometer, Type 9255C to measure tire stiffness. Measures lowest lateral and longitudinal forces, even at high tire loads.
      • Highly dynamic RoaDyn P530 and P5MT measuring hubs are used to measure the force amplitudes, dynamic behavior of a tire, power spectrum density and impact transient time response in the cleat test
      • LabAmp charge amplifier

      Custom dimensions and load ranges are also available.


      極めて動的な測定ハブRoaDyn P530 および P5MTを使用して、力の振幅、タイヤの動的挙動、パワースペクトル密度、衝撃過渡時間応答(クリート試験)を測定

      Tire quality control in manufacturing: end-of-line (EOL) product testing

      You want to
      • Assess the quality of tires or complete wheels based on measurement results at the end of the production line
      • Separate out unsatisfactory tires to prevent costly recall actions
      • Measure the tire non-uniformity in all three directions in the slow range (TU, Tire Uniformity, 10 km/h) as well as the fast range (HSU, High Speed Uniformity, 120 km/h)
      Measuring and test systems for tire quality control (EOL) recommended equipment from Kistler
      • Prefabricated and calibrated force plate to install the customer's spindle
      • Set of four preloaded 3-component force sensors (force links), Type 93x7, for independent installation in the machine structure

      Solutions for customer-specific geometries and load ranges are possible.


      Preloaded 3-component force sensors from Kistler are a good choice for tire end-of-line (EOL) testing.

      Acquire road load data during tire development

      You want to
      • Capture road load data close to real values during a defined test procedure with the vehicle on the test track or in real traffic, in order to perform subsequent tire tests on the tire test stand efficiently, while conserving resources, and in less time
      • Measure real forces, moments and speeds on the vehicle using wheel force transducers and speed sensors
      Measuring and test systems to acquire road load data during tire development – recommended equipment from Kistler
      • RoaDyn S6xy 6-component wheel force transducer for wheel loads up to 60 kN
      • Correvit L-Motion optical sensor to measure longitudinal dynamics, Type 5335A
      • Correvit SFII, optical sensor, Type CSF2A to measure longitudinal and transverse dynamics
      Fully equipped measurement vehicle for road load data acquisition
      路面荷重データを収集するための装備を搭載した測定車両:ペダルロボットとステアリングロボット(型式CG300 / 型式CS-B20…)を組合わせることで、ほぼ自律的に試験走行が可能になります。

      Force and moment (F&M) measurement, tire endurance and tire wear tests

      Strain-gauge-based measuring hub’s for tire test stands enable long-term measurements of force and moment (F&M), tire endurance and tire wear tests including closed loop control based on the measured static forces.

      You want to
      • Measure the forces and moments in the tire footprint to understand:
        • Wheel alignment behavior and contribution to steering
        • The spring rates of the tire in all three orthogonal directions
      • The impact of design adjustments into tire lifetime
      • Perform force and moment (F&M) measurements on tire test stands. 
      Measuring and test systems for force and moment (F&M) measurement – recommended equipment from Kistler
      • RoaDyn S530 measuring hub type 9289A013A1 / 9289A013A2  for passenger car tires up tp 30 kN load (C1/C2)
      • RoaDyn S5ST measuring hub type 9289A253 for truck and bus (T&B) tires up to 60 kN load (C2/C3)
      • RoaDyn S5MT measuring hub type 9289A273 for truck and bus (T&B) tires up tp 100 kN load (C2/C3)
      • Digital electronics KiRoad Tire Test type 9820Axx combined with type 5260A1120 / 5260A2120

      Non-destructive testing (NDT) of materials

      You want
      • Periodical inspection of the structural components of wheel force transducers
      • Inspection of wheel force transducers after having performed tests involving excessive forces
      • Safety after an accident or an unexpected overloading of the wheel force transducers
      • Non-destructive testing with X-ray technology
      Kistler offer
      • Digital radiographic testing, also known as digital radiography (DR), of structural components, as per DIN EN 13068-3

