maXYmos - XY工程監視システム


maXYmos BL、maXYmos TL、maXYmos NCファミリーのプロセスモニタリング用XYモニターは、製品または生産工程の品質を曲線に基づいてチェックおよび評価することができます。ユーザーは、曲線評価を個々のモニタリングタスクに適合させるために、評価オブジェクトを適用することができます。この仕様に基づいて、maXYmos BL、TL、NCは、各ワークピースをチェックし、パーツの良し悪しを判断することができます。maXYmos TL MLプロセスモニタリングシステムは、特に医療機器メーカーのニーズを満たすように設計されています。


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Frequently asked questions

What is the maXYmos process monitoring system?

The maXYmos is a powerful process monitoring system that provides precise data for quality control in production processes.

What are the benefits of using the high-end process monitoring system maXYmos TL?
The maXYmos TL process monitoring system offers advanced features such as automated data analysis, customizable reports, and seamless integration with other systems. It helps manufacturers improve quality control, increase efficiency, and reduce costs in their production processes.
Is the maXYmos TL ML process monitoring system compliant with FDA and MDR criteria for medical device manufacturing?
Yes, the maXYmos TL ML is designed specifically for medical device manufacturers and meets all regulatory requirements for quality assurance. It offers traceability, data security, and validation options to ensure compliance with FDA and MDR standards.