Accelerometer cables for piezoelectric sensors, 10 - 32 pos. - BNC pos. / 1761B

Family Type 1761B are white, fluoropolymer based cables (ø2.5 mm) for sensors with 10 - 32 negative connectors.


Family Type 1761B are white, fluoropolymer based cables (ø2.5 mm) for sensors with 10 - 32 negative connectors.
주요 특징 / 장점
  • Cable jacket material: fluoropolymer
  • Suitable for single-axis voltage mode and IEPE sensors
  • L = 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 m or custom
  • 10 - 32 pos. to BNC pos. connector
These signal breakout cables are suitable for single-axis voltage mode accelerometers.
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