Wheel force transducer RoaDyn Racing for racing applications like F1, GT3 / 9228A

주요 특징 / 장점
- Lowest set-up time, ready to measure within a minute
- Ease of use, no support needed after 2h training
- Ring shaped electronics allow free access to the central nut
- Integrated microcontroller and data storage, thus no cables or additional electronics required in the vehicle
- Powered by recharbeable batteries for a test duration up to 2 hours
- Sampling rate: 1000Hz, wheel loads up to 20kN
- Perfect for 18'' wheels, others on request
The wheel force transducer RoaDyn Racing is a multiaxial measuring system that is used in racing series in which the focus is on optimum tire management and, based on this, improving the racing strategy. The RoaDyn Racing WFT replaces a standard wheel and measure the forces (Fx, Fy, Fz) and torques (Mx. My, Mz) applied through the tire contact patch in the three directions of the wheel coordinate system.
It has been specially developed for use in the racing sector. This is reflected in the simple, intuitive handling and the fact that changing the WFT takes only slightly longer than a real Formula 1 pit stop.
Thanks to the wheel's integrated electronics with data storage, there is no need to install cables or place additional electronics in the driver's cockpit.