Laboratory charge amplifier LabAmp with data acquisition, 4 to 8 channels, measuring ranges from ±100 to ±1000000 pC / 5167A Config

- Charge amplifier with a frequency range of ≈0 … 45 kHz
- Integrated, optional 24-bit data acquisition with up to 100 kSps per channel
- Digital inputs for Reset/Measure and Trigger
- Data acquisition and DynoWare combo option
Electrical properties
The Kistler LabAmp Type 5167A is not only an outstanding low-noise charge amplifier for quasi-static & dynamic signals, but optionally also a powerful data acquisition device delivering the digitized measurement values directly to a host computer for further analysis. It is configured and operated in a web-interface, conveniently accessible by a standard web browser, or via KiStudio Lab Software Package Type 2910B (including post-processing software jBEAM). Thanks to advanced signal processing technology, the Kistler LabAmp Type 5167A offers impressive flexibility. The frequencies of the high-pass, low-pass, and notch filters can be directly entered as numeric values in Hertz. The input signals can be flexibly routed to the analog outputs. The graphical user interface not only offers a simple and intuitive way to configure the device, but also displays different measurement values (e.g., live value, peak value, root mean square). The virtual channel functionality allows for real-time summation of different input signals. Furthermore, the optional browser-based data download allows for the acquired data to be processed in an analysis software. For more advanced tasks or direct processing, the amplifier can be integrated directly into your own software via our REST API or into LabVIEW thanks to the provided Virtual Instruments driver. With its ability to measure quasi-static signals, Type 5167A is particularly suitable for multi-component force measurements, also with Kistler dynamometers, in various applications in the laboratory as well as in research and development. For example, wheel force measurement on a tire test stand, reaction force measurements on engine-transmission units, monitoring of forces and torques in vibration tests etc. For higher channel counts, the synchronization feature allows acquiring data from multiple Type 5167A devices. Kistler LabAmp Type 5165A devices can be synchronized with those of Type 5167A as well which allows the combined acquisition of pure dynamic signals from other charge or Piezotron (IEPE) sensors or any voltage signals.